集團品牌集合 Collection of Brands

m-Care 全面致力於打造整體品牌形象,提供全局性的VI(視覺識別)設計方案及執行計劃。公司不僅重視品牌的視覺呈現,也注重如何將這些設計元素融入日常營運中,以確保品牌形象的一致性和專業性在市場上得到有效展現。

m-Care is dedicated to crafting an overall brand image, offering comprehensive Visual Identity (VI) design solutions and implementation plans. The company not only focuses on the visual presentation of the brand but also ensures these design elements are integrated into everyday operations, maintaining consistency and professionalism of the brand image in the market.

在產品層面,m-Care 精心設計各產品線的包裝和文案,確保每一件產品都能凸顯其獨特性和品牌價值。公司著重於包裝設計的創新性和吸引力,同時結合精準而具創意的文案,有效地提升產品的市場吸引力和消費者認知度。

At the product level, m-Care meticulously designs packaging and copywriting for each product line, ensuring that every product highlights its uniqueness and brand value. The company emphasizes the innovation and appeal of packaging design, combined with accurate and creative copywriting, effectively enhancing the market appeal and consumer recognition of the products.

此外,m-Care 也專注於設計一系列線上及線下的全套宣傳物料,包括與明星合作的宣發資料。這種綜合的宣傳策略不僅增強了品牌的市場影響力,還進一步擴大了品牌的受眾範圍和知名度,為公司帶來更大的市場機會。

Furthermore, m-Care also focuses on designing a full range of online and offline promotional materials, including publicity materials in collaboration with celebrities. This comprehensive promotional strategy not only strengthens the market influence of the brand but also expands the brand's audience reach and recognition, bringing greater market opportunities for the company.